Monday, June 28, 2010

FM # 250...It's ALIVE!!

I just learned that Famous Monsters of Filmland # 250 made its successful debut at this past weekend's Monster Bash 2010, in Butler, Pennsylvania!

In the words of Michael Heisler, the new Editor-in-Chief, "FM #250 is alive and well and selling like hotcakes."

Pre-orders on the special
Forrest J Ackerman tribute issue are shipping this week. I have two stories featured in the legendary magazine, and I don't think I've ever been this anxiously excited to see my words in print.

I was a sick little kid, with a scorching sore throat and a raging fever, the very first time I saw a copy of Famous Monsters of Filmland. I'll never forget that. Mom and I had just left the doctor's office to fill my prescription at the drugstore next door and, after sipping a soothing fountain Coke at the counter, she patiently waited while I perused the comic book rack. Suddenly, I saw it. Famous Monsters of Filmland # 34, with the gloriously green face of Mr. Hyde leering lecherously at me from the lower magazine shelves. It genuinely felt as if I was dreaming. In fact, the whole episode still feels very dream-like in my memory.

Mom bought the mag for me that day, and I've never been the same since.

As I stated many times over the span of my two decades as a professional writer, Forry Ackerman was enormously influential to me and the career path I decided to take. It is extremely gratifying, and humbling, to finally appear as a featured writer in my life-long favorite magazine. I never dreamed that this could ever happen.

When editor Jessie Lilley called me up one quiet Sunday afternoon explaining to me that the historic FM # 250 was to be in honor of Forry, and that she needed writers, I literally felt the blood dance through my brain. Lisa can attest that I've been in a sort of giddy haze ever since.

So special thanks to Jessie, Michael, Phil, and Forry's gentle ghost for bringing this writer full circle and making my wonderful dream come true.


  1. I am so very happy for you, Martin. Dreams do come true.

  2. Hopefully they'll sell this at Banes & Nobles so I can buy a copy. I watched the remake The Wolfman tonight, nice film, love the atmosphere.
