My good pal, and fellow writer, Win Scott Eckert has informed me that SHERLOCK HOLMES: The Crossovers Casebook is now (finally!) available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Same as Win, I also have an adventure in this volume, "Sherlock Holmes in the Lost World", teaming the Great Detective with the brilliantly bombastic Professor Challenger.
There are lots of other fine tales in this volume, including one by my friend the late, great Howard Hopkins, who also edited this book. It was a special joy working with Howard. He told me more than once that this was his favorite anthology he'd worked on, and he believed it was the best Moonstone had ever done.
Howard was very proud of this book.
Hope you'll check it out.
I will check this out! I liked "The House of Silk" and am reading "Holmes on the Range" right now.