Italy's GQ magazine has placed Il Grimoro di Baker Street (the Italian edition of Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes) on their list as one of the Top Ten Books for the Summer.
Gaslight Grimoire has enjoyed quite a celebrated presence since its publication by Edge Books a couple years ago. The volume also made the list of the Canadian Prix Aurora Award for the Best Work in English in the speculative fiction genre. It was a grand experience being a part of this book, and I'm especially privileged to have my fiction placed in the same company as Barbara Hambly, Kim Newman, Barbara Roden, and so many other esteemed story-tellers whom I greatly admire.My contributed mystery/adventure for the anthology is "Sherlock Holmes in the Lost World", sort of a sequel to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic science fiction novel. This was my eighth story featuring the Great Detective, and it's also my personal favorite of all those I have written.

I'm very happy to say that this particular tale has developed something of a life of its own, and is currently being expanded into novella length for a new Sherlock Holmes anthology, from another publisher, due out in early 2011. There also may be other plans for it, in other media, in the near future. I'll keep you posted.
Lastly, and most importantly, my special thanks to Charles Prepolec and Jeff Campbell for giving me the honor of inviting me to share in such grand company. It's been great fun.

Wow- this is awesome, Martin. Congrats and holy moly how cool!!